September Rehab Health Events in North Alabama

09/01/24 07:56 AM - 07:56 AM

September rehab health events are abundant in North Alabama! The month is full of rehab events and awareness promotions.  This is the month we recognize and educate on or Fall Prevention, Spinal Cord Injury Rehab, Pain Rehab, Vascular Disease Prevention, and Healthy Aging. 


Rehab Health Awareness in September:

Rehab Awareness Week: Sept 16-20

Rehab Awareness Week is designed to educate people about the benefits of rehabilitation.  And to let people know how physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, rehab nursing and physiatry help the health of communities. Rehab Awareness week also recognizes the value that rehab professionals bring to the people they help.  By increasing awareness of these benefits and improving access to rehabilitation, people with disabilities will have increased opportunities to live to their fullest potential. 

Fall Prevention Month

Falls can happen to anyone, but the older we get, the harder it is to recover from resultant injuries. Broken bones, concussion, and head injury are the most common serious consequences of falls.  So improving balance and preventing falls is a top priority for everyone.  But especially for people at risk.  Fall Prevention Awareness month is designed to let people know there are simple and tangible things they can to to improve balance and prevent falls.  This month Therapy Achievements will team with local businesses to provide information on simple steps anyone can take for fall prevention.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Month

Spinal Cord Injury happens when the spinal cord is damaged, either through trauma or disease.  It results in paralysis and loss of feeling,  The location and severity of the injury affect where and how much movement and sensation are lost.  Fortunately, advances in technology for spinal cord injury enable new treatment options that expand possibilities for recovery and increased independence.  Spinal Cord Injury Awareness month is designed to  to share new treatment options for those with spinal cord injury and increase awareness of how to reduce risk of spinal cord injury.

Pain Rehab Awareness Month

Pain is the leading cause of disability in the US and the number one reason people seek therapy.  Pain can result from a vast number of conditions.  The most common are neck and back pain resulting from disc injuries.  But less common sources of pain can be breast and chemo-induced pain from side effects of cancer treatment, Charcot-Marie-Tooth pain, or complex regional pain syndrome.  If pain remains unresolved, what ever the source, it can lead to chronic pain. Pain Awareness Month is designed to let people know that non-pharmacological treatments are available to help manage pain, even chronic pain.

Vascular Disease Prevention Month

Vascular disease interferes with blood flow to your limbs and can result in swelling, pain, and wounds.  In the worse cases, it leads to limb loss or death.  Globally, over 523 million people are affected by vascular disease.  But there are many things you can do to prevent vascular disease.  And the aim of Vascular Disease Prevention Month is to give people the knowledge they need to manage their risk factors and minimize their potential disability.

Health Aging Awareness Month

Healthy Aging Awareness Month's aim is to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.  The mission is to encourage everyone to take personal responsibility for their health.  A big part of staying healthy is staying active.  An the best way to stay active is to manage health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, pain, and diabetes (the top three health disorders in the US).  Therapy Achievements can help!  Our physical therapist can help treat and manage pain.  Our occupational therapists can help you with daily living skills and driving.  And our speech therapists can help you with memory and cognition.


September Rehab Health Events

Sept 3, 2024:  LASNA Lymphedema Awareness Educational Event

Time:  5:30 pm

Location:  Therapy Achievements, 802 Shoney Dr, Ste. A, Huntsville, AL  35801

Speaker: Melissa Flowers

CEUs:  1

Topics Include:
• Understanding the Difference between Lipedema, Dercum’s Disease, Lipohypertrophy & Madelung's Disease
• Newest Research Findings
• Resources: The Lipedema Guide & Directory

Sept 5-8, 2024  ALOTA Alabama Occupational Therapy Association's Fall Conference

Beyond the Horizon:  Enriching Our Practice and Inspiring our Future

Sept 12, 2024 Disability Voter Registration

Time:  10 - 2:00 

Location:  AL Dept of Rehab Community Room, 3000 Johnson Rd, Huntsville, 35805

Please join us for the Disability Voter Education and Registration Drive on Thursday September 12th. Lunch will be provided to all in person attendees. Register your team and your clients to come out and learn about voting, check their voter registration status, win door prizes, and engage in activities. Click Here to Register. Hope to see you there!

September 20 is Concussion Awareness Day

The contents of your head are precious: Your memories, your personality, your thoughts—all things that make you, you. Don’t let a brain injury put them at risk.  Concussion Awareness Day's aim is to spread the word - If you hit your melon, get it checked. And, commit to starting the conversation around concussion symptoms, care, and prevention. A little discussion can go a long way toward protecting the heads of the people you love, too.