Neuro Rehab Treatments

Balance & Mobility

Solution: Bioness BITS Complete Balance System, LSVT BIG, LiteGait, Saebo Technology 


Our therapist are certified in the LSVT BIG & Loud programs. 

Weakness & Fatigue

Solution: Strengthening & reconditioning, pacing, activity modification, task scheduling

Activities of Daily Living

Solution: Activity modification and adaptive equipment to help with returning to independent completion of ADLs. 

Cognition & Memory

Solution: Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy for cognitive disorders. 



Solution: Modalities and STM

Modalities: Laser, Ultrasound, Dry Needling, Negative Pressure/Cupping, Zynex E-stim, Vibration Plate, Splinting & Bracing,

Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM): Myofacial Release, Myofacial Stick, IASTM, Stretching

Our therapist are certified in Dry Needling and IASTM

Joint Integrity

Solution: Posture and ergonomic body mechanics, Standing Frame








Dysphagia & Swallowing

Solution: Comprehensive Endoscopic Swallow Assessment (FEEs), food consistency recommendations, safe swallow strategies, exercise for oral function, laryngeal and pharyngeal strength and coordination, Synchrony

Our therapist are certified in McNeal Dysphagia and Walt Fritz Voice and Swallow

Coordination & Motor Control

Solution: Neuro Re-education: gait training, Biodex Mobility Assist, Neuroball, Ipsihand







Solution: Expert wound care








Swelling: Edema & Lymphedema

Solution: Complete Decongestive Therapy

CDT: MLD, Compression, Skin Care, Exercise


We are a certified Lymphedema Center of Excellence and have CLT-LANA certified therapists on staff. 


Solution: Modalities and STM

Modalities: Laser, Dry Needling, Zynex E-stim, Vibration Plate, Splinting & Bracing,

Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM): Myofacial Release, Myofacial Stick, IASTM, Stretching, Massage

Our therapist are certified in Dry Needling and IASTM


Scarring & Fibrosis

Solution: Modalities and STM

Modalities: Laser, Ultrasound, Dry Needling, Negative Pressure/Cupping, Zynex E-stim, Vibration Plate, Splinting & Bracing,

Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM): Myofacial Release, Myofacial Stick, IASTM, Stretching

Our therapist are certified in Dry Needling and IASTM

Vestibular: Dizziness & Vertigo

Solution: Bioness BITS Complete Balance System, Physical Therapy to stabilize vision, improve balance, decrease dizziness, increase strength, & decrease fall risk

Language & Voice Disorders

Solution: Speech Therapy for language and voice disorders


Our therapist are certified in Walt Fritz Voice and Swallow

Driver Readiness Training

Solution: Mastery of pre-driving skills, new driver knowlege lessons, one-on-one behind-the-wheel training

Adaptive Driving Training

Solution: Assessment of driving skills and recommended adaptive driving equipment, one-on-one behind-the-wheel training with adaptive driving equipment, connection with local adaptive driving equipment suppliers. 

Bridge to Independence

Solution: Embracing a higher level of independence with a custom daily living skills program tailored by an Occupational Therapist 

Wheelchair Training 

Solution: Wheelchair assessment with local Assistive Technology Professionals (ATP) and one-on-one power chair & manual chair mobility training