April is Occupational Therapy Month
April is Occupational Therapy Month in Huntsville, AL
April is Occupational Therapy Month and Therapy Achievements wants to celebrate! With over 100 years of combined experience, the occupational therapists at Therapy Achievements are able to provide the best blend of cutting edge technology combined with proficiency and knowledge that comes with dedication and practice.
What is Occupational Therapy?
But what does "occupation" have to do with therapy? Occupational therapists help people with physical, visual, or cognitive impairments do the things they want and need to do - their "occupations". Through the therapeutic use of everyday activities, they help people regain skills and provide support to cope after injury or disability. Occupational therapy services typically include:
- Individualized evaluations to determine the person's goals
- Customized interventions to improve the person's ability to perform daily activities and reach their goals
- Re-evaluation to ensure goals are being met and changes are made to the intervention plan to maximize outcomes.
What Interventions do Occupational Therapists Provide?
Your occupational therapist will help you meet your goals through:
- Practice of self-care, home management, school/work or community activities to become proficient and identify strategies for success.
- Exercise for flexibility, coordination, balance, strength, and endurance to better enable participation in activities of daily living and functional mobility
- Evaluations of home, work, school or other environments to identify modification and adaptive equipment to increase independence.
Part of the Rehabilitation Team:
Occupational therapy services can stand alone or be part of a comprehensive rehabilitation team, depending on the patient’s need. Other team members may include physical therapy and speech therapy. Our knowledgeable and friendly therapists help people with Brain Injury, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Lymphedema, Head and Neck Cancer, Vertigo and Dizziness, and other disorders that interfere with mobility and function. Treatments they offer include VitalStim Technology, Saebo Technology, LSVT LOUD Treatment, LSVT BIG Treatment, and Neuro-Developmental Treatment. Therpay services are typically covered by health insurance and Therapy Achievements is in-network for most insurances.
Do you think occupational therapy can help you? Call 256-509-4398 today to set up an appointment!