Parkinson's Disease Rehab: Dr. David Greer

Parkinson's Disease Rehab: Dr. David Greer
Parkinson's Disease rehab is something Dr. David Greer is very familiar with. He has been treating patients with Parkinson's Disease for over 10 years. And he knows first hand treating people who have Parkinson's Disease can be very challenging.
At present, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, but there are a number of medications that can provide dramatic relief of the symptoms. The challenge comes in finding the most effective medication treatment for each patient. Factors to consider include:
- the correct drug or drug combinations
- the dosage
- the method of taking medication
Parkinson's Disease Rehab: Dr. David Greer's Challenge
The risk of side effects of drugs vary from person to person and finding the right treatment is like solving a puzzle. A "one size fits all" treatment approach will not work. And the puzzle often turns into a moving target. Because the effectiveness of treatment changes over time, what used to work well will gradually fade in effectiveness. Medications will need to be adjusted and new combinations may be necessary to optimize function. And that's what Dr. David Greer likes the most about his work. In his words, "No two days are the same. Every day I have the opportunity to help people."
Parkinson's Disease Rehab in Huntsville, AL
Dr. Greer grew up in Durum, North Carolina. He went to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and medical school at Irvine Medical School. He completed a residency at Vanderbilt. He specialized in neurology because "Neurology is who we are - the way we act, the way we think, the way we move. Conditions that affect the brain and nervous system are so meaningful and a neurologist has such an opportunity to make an impact. Even minor adjustments to treatment can have a significant impact on the quality of a patient's life."
Dr. Greer chose to practice in Huntsville, AL because "It's the right sized city. It has a mix of interesting people and it is in close proximity to Vanderbilt and UAB" - two medical centers where much of the research in treatment of Parkinson's disease is happening. Dr. Greer remembers being impressed with Dr. Ray Watts, Dr. Harrison Walker and Dr. Erwin Montgomery at the UAB Neurology Clinic during his residency tours and was delighted when he was invited to tour the deep brain stimulation program and observe a deep brain stimulation placement surgery. He now works in close collaboration with UAB and patients who undergo the surgery, monitoring their progress and making adjustment to the units as necessary. "There are so many research things just around the corner for Parkinson's Disease - extended release medications, duodenal infusions, drug drips - that's what makes this work so much fun. We have such an opportunity to help people. It makes working not so much work."