Top 5 Ways to Reduce Burn Scars

June 30, 2021
Top 5 Ways to Reduce Burn Scars

You've heard of first, second, and third-degree burns, but there are more than that. People may suffer from radiation, chemical, solar, thermal, and electrical burns. Unfortunately, like many other wounds, these injuries often produce burn scars once healed.

No matter the type of burn you receive, you run the risk of long-term scarring. However, there are things you can do to heal properly and reduce burn scars. Read on to find out how.

1. Apply Pressure

To reduce burn scars, you should apply pressure by using a wrap or pressure garment. Placing pressure on the burned scar tissue can break up tightened cells and reduce the appearance of burn scars.  Pressure wraps and garments come in a wide range of styles and options. Our therapists can help you determine what the best option is for you.

2. Use Aloe Vera

During the stages of wound healing, fluid from your blood vessels will cause swelling as it leaks into the tissue. Because of this, the wounded skin is more likely to get infected.

After a burn, your microorganisms won't function as a barrier against infections. For minor burns, an antibiotic, like aloe vera, can help prevent infection.

Aloe vera is a natural kind of antibiotic that can be applied right after a minor burn injury and thereafter. It can repair skin while cooling it down at the same time.

To reduce the risk of scarring with aloe vera, you should apply it to the wounded area three to four times a day.

3. Take Vitamins

Knowing how to prevent burn scars involves more than focusing on the infected area. You should take care of your body to help with burns by consuming a multivitamin.

Choose a vitamin that contains vitamin A, C, E, and B complex to help prevent and reduce scars from forming.

The four vitamins work together to boost the skin cell rejuvenation process. It does this by producing more collagen fiber in the body. Collagen will aid your body in replacing dead tissues.

By supporting the natural recovery process of your skin, these vitamins can heal your burn and reduce scarring.  Check with your doctor to determine the amount of vitamin A, C, E and B complex you need to promote healing and reduce scar formation.

4. Moisturize

Minor burn injuries may feel dry and itchy. This feeling is caused by an impairment in the natural oil glands in the skin. To combat this problem, you should moisturize regularly.

There are two types of moisturizers, one with high water content and another that is thicker with less water content. A moisturizer with high water content soaks into the skin faster.

A moisturizer with less water content tends to come in a tube or jar. Because it is thick, you'll have to apply it more often.

5. Get Burn Treatment

Serious burns are a medical injury that requires immediate and quality care. Although first-degree and second-degree burns can heal well on their own with proper rest, ointment, and bandages, some second-degree and all third and fourth-degree burns will require professional medical treatment. Receiving prompt, proper burn care can have a substantial impact on reducing scarring.

Patients experiencing a burn should first consult with their physician immediately to determine the best route of treatment. This step is essential as the risk of infection can become severe without immediate medical care. Once the physician is comfortable discharging a burn patient from their care, he or she will often recommend rehabilitative therapy from a trusted therapy clinic to assist in providing optimal healing and function. 

A rehabilitative therapist will begin by assessing the patient's injuries, including wound healing and any noticeable swelling. Then, the patient will receive a treatment plan customized for them. The therapist will work with the patient one-on-one throughout treatment to help reduce pain, infection, and scarring in the future. 

High-quality rehabilitative therapy provides numerous benefits for burn patients, including improving their quality of life. You can listen to Natalie's story about how rehabilitative therapy at Therapy Achievements helped her to enjoy life again here.


Keep in mind that everyone's body reacts to burn scars differently. Because of this fact, it may take shorter or longer for an injury to heal than others. Patients with minor burns can help reduce burn scarring by applying pressure, using aloe vera, taking vitamins, and moisturizing. More critical burns will require more intensive treatment, including medical care and rehabilitative therapy. You can use this information to find out which method works best for your burn injury.

Ready to start your burn healing journey? Contact us today to schedule an appointment.