Support Services

Aging at Home:  

Chefs for Seniors

Affordable meal service for seniors in Huntsville, Alabama. Click the logo on the left to view their website. 

Aging at Home Program:  

Studio 60 Homemaker Program

A homemaker is scheduled every two weeks to perform light housekeeping in the clinet's home.  Eligibility is:  must be 60 yrs or older with health/physical limitations that prevent accomplishing household chores and have limited or no assistance.

Aging At Home:  

TARCOG Area Agency on Aging

The primary responsibility of the AAA to our five-county service area is to plan and carry out a comprehensive, coordinated service delivery system to address the needs of people over 60, and help them maintain their independence. They serve DeKalb, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, and Marshall counties. Click the logo on the left to view their website. 

Aging at Home Program:  

TARCOG Medicaid Waiver

Provides services for elderly seniors and disabled individuals that allow them to live well in their own homes and communities they love rather than having their needs met in a nursing home. Click the logo on the left to view their website. 

Care Management:

American Senior Assistance Programs (ASAP)

With trained care providers, they have worked with families by providing: home safety evaluations, development of a care plan, in-home care support, and crisis intervention, all while providing relief for family caregivers. Click the logo on the left to view their website. 

Care Management: 

Caring Strategies

Remaining safe and secure by making a compassionate strategy for those who may be resistant to change. Click the logo on the left to view their website. 

Financial Management: 

P Disney Financial Services

Taking care of personal finances through daily money management services that include:  monthly bill pay, checkbook balancing, medical bill reiview, tax information compliance and more.