Multiple Sclerosis Articles

April 10, 2023

Multiple Sclerosis Research Studies

Multiple Sclerosis Research Studies Having multiple sclerosis can be a daunting challenge. But participating in multiple sclerosis research studies is one action that can have a number of positive benefits.  Arming yourself with information and building…

August 06, 2022

Top Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis symptoms are variable and unpredictable. No two people have exactly the same symptoms, and each person's symptoms can change or fluctuate over time. One person might experience only one or two of the possible symptoms while another…

July 09, 2022

Bioness For Foot Drop & Hand Function

Are you trying to regain function of your leg or hand due to Stroke, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, or other central nervous system disorders?Function, freedom, and mobility are now within reach. Therapy Achievementsteams with Bioness so you can discover…

May 21, 2022

Seated Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

How can yoga help people with Multiple Sclerosis? Yoga is a powerful, yet gentle form of exercise.  There are many reasons someone with multiple sclerosis might want to try it. In a recent clinical trial, it was determined that yoga decreased fatigue…

May 20, 2022

Living with Multiple Sclerosis: Don McNeal's Story

Living with Multiple Sclerosis "I have Multiple Sclerosis, but Multiple Sclerosis doesn't have me."  That quote comes from Don McNeal, a two time National College Football Champion (1978, 1979) who played for Alabama under coach Paul "Bear" Bryant. …

October 19, 2021

Introduction to Foot Drop

Often, foot drop is not considered its own disease; rather, it's a symptom of other diseases.  If someone is diagnosed with one, they may have a lot of questions. What is it? What are the symptoms? What are the causes?  In this article, we'll answer…

February 20, 2020

TEAMS Study for People with Multiple Sclerosis

Tele-Rehabilitation vs. In-Clinic Therapy for People with Multiple Sclerosis Finding adequate care that's close to home can be difficult. It's even more difficult for people with Multiple Sclerosis. This is especially true for people who reside in…

July 05, 2019

2019 Rocket City Bike MS

What Is Bike MS? Bike MS is a cycling ride to raise funds for the National MS Society.  Each year Huntsville, AL - known as Rocket City - participates in a ride.   MS affects over 1 million people and this year, like always, the Rocket City team was…

March 28, 2019

2019 MS Walk Huntsville

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month! And the 2019 MS Walk Huntsville is is Sat 4-27-19.   Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects nearly 1 million in the US including celebrities Montel Williams, Clay Waler, and Jami Lynn Sigler.  It is a disease in…

May 07, 2018

2018 MS Walk Huntsville

We had the best time at the 2018 MS Walk in Huntsville!  Thanks to all the Therapy Achievementsstaff and their families for their hard work and support of this great cause.  Last year alone, the MS Society invested nearly $50 million to support more than…

March 17, 2018

2018 MS Walk Huntsville

The 2018 MS Walk Huntsville is on Cinco De Mayo - May 5th! Join the Therapy Achievements team!  Click Here to join or contact Kristen McCombs at

May 12, 2017

Speech Therapy Month at Therapy Achievements

Written by Jaime Richardson, Speech Therapist May is Speech Therapy Month.  And Speech Therapy Month is a great month for a new beginning!  Do you feel fatigued?  Have muscle stiffness?  Difficulty swallowing?  Trouble getting your words out?  Or trouble…

January 18, 2017

Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Amanda Adcock presented "One Treatment Option for Multiple Sclerosis" at the Huntsville Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Group Meeting on 1-17-17. Here are highlights from her presentation:Multiple Sclerosis is an Autoimmune Disease: Multiple Sclerosis…

May 19, 2016

Physical Therapy Enhances Benefit of Ampyra

At our May meeting, Dr. Laganke suggested adding physical therapy when starting Ampyra may enhance the gains you make in motor skills and walking.  If you would like to schedule an appointment to see if this would be helpful for you, call us at 256-509-4398. …

May 15, 2016

Importance of Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Adherence

Huntsville MS Awareness Group Meeting[/caption]Importance of Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Adherence by Dr. Chris Laganke, 1 CEU available Huntsville MS Awareness Group MeetingMay 17, 2016 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm Therapy Achievements at Cleaview Cancer Institute,…

December 20, 2015

Huntsville Multiple Sclerosis Support Group December Meeting

The Huntsville MS Support Group meets every 3rd Tuesday from 6 - 7:30 pm at Therapy Achievements. Join us for fun, food and friendship!

April 18, 2015

Physical Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis in Huntsville, AL

Cathy McNeely providesphysical therapy forMS in Huntsville, AL Physical therapy can ease many of your Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and help you get around better.  Physical therapy for Multiple Sclerosis in Huntsville, AL is provided at Therapy Achievements.  Seeing…

March 27, 2015

Occupational Therapy Helps People With Multiple Sclerosis

Occupational Therapy Helps People With Multiple SclerosisOccupational therapy helps people with multiple sclerosis  perform everyday, functional activities with greater ease, satisfaction, and independence.  These everyday activities include:Activities…

March 25, 2015

Speech Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Jaime Richardson provides Speech Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Many people recognize that multiple sclerosis can result in weakness that interferes with the ability to walk.  But did you know that multiple sclerosis can result in weakness of muscles…

March 23, 2015

Be Multiple Sclerosis Relapse Ready

We're not always ready for multiple sclerosis (MS) relapses, but relapses can happen no matter what you are planning or what is going on in your life. Most people with multiple sclerosis don't want to think about relapses when they're feeling okay, but…

September 25, 2014

Living with Multiple Sclerosis: Julie Robert's Story

Julie Roberts is a country music singer living with multiple sclerosis. She worried about how people would react if they knew she had MS. Then she decided 'I do not have to give up on my dreams'Huntsville Multiple Sclerosis support group was privileged…