Stroke Articles

IpsiHand™ Stroke Recovery Device
The IpsiHand stroke recovery device is an innovative new option for people looking to recover hand use after stroke. A stroke causes motor cortex damage that can result in impaired motor function and limit arm and hand movement. The muscles in the arm…

Speech Therapy For Aphasia
Speech Therapy For Aphasia June is Aphasia Awareness Month and speech therapy for aphasia can help! What is aphasia? It is a communication disorder that interferes your ability to say or understand words. It results from damage to language parts of…

Bioness For Foot Drop & Hand Function
Are you trying to regain function of your leg or hand due to Stroke, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, or other central nervous system disorders?Function, freedom, and mobility are now within reach. Therapy Achievementsteams with Bioness so you can discover…

AMBUCS Adaptive Bikes
AMBUCS Adaptive Bikes for People with Limited Mobility AMBUCS adaptive bikes are customized bicycles that give people with limited mobility the ability to safely ride a bike. Exercise and being mobile are key to good health. And exercising is often very…

You Could Be at Risk for a Blood Clot If ...
Blood Clots: What Causes Them and How to Prevent Them What Is a Blood Clot? A blood clot is a bunch of blood cells that congeal together. Clotting is necessary to keep you from bleeding to death from a paper cut. Too many blood cells bonding together…

Subtle Stroke Symptoms To Never Ignore
In America, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. But if you're not sure what causes a stroke, chances are that you won't know how to recognize stroke symptoms either. It is especially important to be aware of subtle stroke symptoms as they might be…

February is American Heart Month
Heart Month is all about bringing awareness to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States. Heart Disease Symptoms Symptoms of heart disease vary depending on the type of heart disease someone may have, but they may…

Treatment of Brain Injury: 2019 Neurology Conference
The 2019 Neurology and Neurosurgery Conference was held at Huntsville Hospital on Sat. 4-28-19. Cutting edge treatment information was presented for brain injury caused by catastrophic Stroke, Gliablastoma, Meningitis, Encephalitis and other neurological…

Go Red for Heart Awareness Month!
Go Red! February is Heart Awareness Month If you had heart disease, would you recognize the symptoms? You might be thinking, "Of course!" But there's plenty more you need to know besides pain in your chest. While pain in the chest is one symptom, there…

Bedside Swallow Exam for Dysphagia
What is dysphagia? Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing. This difficulty can range from mild-to-profound in nature and may arise from a variety of causes including neurological changes, injuries/surgeries, disease processes or other sources. What is a…

Rehabilitation Therapy After Stroke
Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term adult disability. It affects approximately 795,000 people each year in the U.S. Even the very word "stroke" indicates that no one is ever prepared for this sudden, often catastrophic event. But stroke…

Walking with Foot Drop: A New Brace
Check out this new brace for walking with foot drop! People with foot drop can't lift the front part of their foot due to weakness or paralysis of the muscles that pick up the toes. Lots of people have foot drop and it can happen when foot muscles become…

Aphasia: Speech Therapy Helps Life Without Words
Speech Therapy helps life without words. Communication is not only how we interact with the world, it is how the world interacts with us.Imagine you suddenly lost your ability to understand speech, to talk, to read, and to write but you had NOT lost…